LG Multiplatform Solution for Restaurants

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The challenge was to design a web-based multi-platform (desktop, touch-screen POS and mobile) solution to support restaurant activities.

The goal was to explore the possibilities and receptivity from a range of LG devices to offer an integrated and disruptive solution that could fit the needs from the increasing food market.

I had the opportunity to make researches, talking with restaurant managers, waiters, and cookers and observing their routine in order to understand restaurant needs and daily processes.

Based on this research, it was possible to propose a complete solution that could fit the daily activities from a restaurant, considering all the moments from the restaurant's client and staff. The solution would be based in 6 modules, covering from customer reception to payment, that could be “turned on/off” according to each restaurant specific need.

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These researches were also used by the P.O. to prioritize and define the User Stories (SCRUM). Based on User Stories prioritization, I started mapping all the screen and flows using paper prototypes, what gave me the flexibility to design fast and communicate easily with the development team since we have to consider the technical and legal limitations.

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After this understanding process, it was possible to define the information architecture, wireframes, and workflows.

The wireframe from the screens and its status variations were used by the Visual Design Team to design the final UI. The detailed workflow was very important for the development team to understand the relations between the modules, how each action would be reflected in other devices and the rules and status behaviors from the orders.

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Also, I had the responsibility of checking the visual design activities and verifying screens usability through heuristic evaluations.

The last activity was to define the structure of the User Guide. We used illustrated user scenarios, provided by the Visual Design Team, to show how our solution would fit restaurant daily activities. This last action was fundamental to better communicate with client's Stakeholders and make it clear how the solution would be interesting for the food market.

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Visual Design Team

Alessandra Peguim and Gustavo Vieira.

Front-end Development Team

Aline Arielo and Renan Basso.