Comuna is a 2012 project, the final work for the post-graduate course in Interaction Design at Instituto Faber Ludens.
The central point of this project development was to propose a digital solution to alleviatethe loneliness and insecurity feelings that are growing due to the big cities lifestyle.
You can check the complete content from this project at this link.
my roles
select and design the research methods
apply research
research results compilation
concept ideation
The process
We explored various methods of user-centered design to construct the solution:
1) Refinement of the target audience
We designed and applied a cultural probe βWhat do I want close to me?β, that showed us the desire of social and personal closeness. To reinforce the findings and to find out who is the target audience, the probe was applied in scale.
2) Mapping needs, realities, target audience limitations
After defining the target audience, to design with focused on this group, we had to know then better. So we applied the following activities accompanied by an interview:
Self-documentation with picture,
Social Network Mapping,
Personal Inventory.
3) Refinement of the proposal
With a better understanding of the target audience, the collected information had been organized with the following methods:
Affinity Diagram,
List of features,
4) Validation of the Proposal
With the solution in mind, we used the Scenario Testing method to validate our hypotheses.
5) System Prototyping
Once the proposal was validated, we started prototyping in a variety of methods:
Wireframes and Wireflows,
Visual User Interface,
3D modeling of the physical devices
The final solution would provide a system to easily send (1) affection messages for the loved ones living far away and (2) alert messages in case of emergency to nearby users from the platform. This both kind of messages could be sent by the same wearable device that could be carried with the user everywhere. It would be easily configured through smartphone apps, computer (web site) and any TV using a specific device connected to it.
The project was also accepted and published at Interaction South America 2012 congress.
It is possible to read the complete submitted content bellow.
detailed project PROCESS
Project Team
Special Thanks to:
Alessandra Rosa for the user scenarios illustrations.
Thiago Pain for the project devices 3D modeling.
All the Faber Ludens classmates that gave us precious feedback.