Future Thinking for Samsung Ecosystem
The challenge was to find solutions that have the potential to be patented.
With this in mind, we considered future possibilities for new hardware, integrations, or interactions for Samsung Ecosystem devices.
The challenge
We ware expected to think about possibilities for Samsung Ecosystem, focusing in strong devices and technologies from the company, so it would be possible to protect in advantage ideas interactions and technologies for future products and solutions.
White-line, wearables, accessories, smartphones, surfaces, software solutions... A big range of possibilities to design for...
The research process was focused on gathering information to support the ideation process. It required us to understand (1) the range of products and technologies Samsung was working on based on internal documentation; (2) the state of the art for the technologies and solutions we would design for, analysing academic papers, desk research and Intellectual Property analysis and; (3) expected social behaviour changes and consumer behaviour trends based on trend analysis, forecast reports, and ethnographic research.
The ideas generation was conducted using different methodologies and with a mixed audience, allowing us to create with multidisciplinary teams. Depending on the project, a "war-room" was established to allow us to collect information and organize ideas for a long time. We had the opportunity to co-create with technological specialists, academic researchers, market specialists, and Brazilian users.
Technical Alignment
It was very relevant to communicate along with the solutions, what was feasible in short, medium and long terms. To perform this kind of analysis, we had a strong support from technical specialists and academic researchers from a large range of technologies and expertise. With their support, it was possible to evolve the solutions from ideas to real product specifications.
Technological solutions with academic researchers support.
Video Concepts
After organizing the generated ideas, evolve considering technical perspectives and going through an "internal ranking", the solutions with strongest potential to become a product was documented through a video concept. In this video, the solution and its scenario of usage were explored to show off how relevant and desirable they could be in users daily lives and activities. These videos were very helpful to communicate the concept to VPs,high management board, and other areas and departments from Samsung.
Example of the Video Concepts produced. The solution is already protected by a patent.
As a final result, with the support of a specialized team in Intellectual Property, it was possible to deposit patents based on ideas and solutions generated from this process: