Samsung Ultrasound Experience
Samsung Ultrasound X was a research and concept generation project conducted by Samsung Innovation Team from Campinas for the Brazilian Samsung Market Health department.
The Ultrasound Experience Project aimed to raise Samsung Ultrasound equipment sales by providing a new and delightful experience for a special clinic client, the pregnant patient.
My roles
user researcher (designing and applying the research project)
concept ideation participation
prototype follow up and technical viability POC tests
public prospecting clients presentation
The Process
In order to understand the scenario, user needs and provide a new approach, an exploratory field research was conducted. During this research, we interviewed and observed ultrasound clinic staff, doctors and patients. This exploratory research showed us specific needs related to the mothers. So I designed cultural probe survey and conducted interviews with pregnant women and mothers to reach their special needs and desires.
Based on this research, Ideation was performed to figure out possible solutions and then evolve this ideas focusing in an integrated and complete service to improve the perceived value of the ultrasound equipment.
Based on the journey of users related to the pregnancy moment (mother, family, doctors, clinic staff, etc.), we came out with a set of features to provide then a new digital experience related with this special moment. Some modules of the complete solution had been prioritized to be developed as a prototype to check technical viability, analise the provided experience and show for no-technical stakeholders how the solution would perform.
Internal development to test POCs to check the technical viability and analise the usability and experience the solution was providing.
The prototyped modules of this solution had been showed up on May 2015 during the JPR Fair, the most important event from the national ultrasound scenario.
Below there is a concept video produced to show off some of the designed features:
As result, the increase of Samsung Ultrasound equipment sales during the JPR Fair had been related with this solution.
Also a Professional Paper (available bellow) explaining the process and some findings had been published at Interaction South America 2015 and a Patent about Method for sharing patient pregnancy data during ultrasound had been filled.